How I Use FunctionFlip

Last week I released FunctionFlip, which "flips" the special and regular features of the F-keys on your Mac keyboard. For me, the skip track (rewind/fast-forward) keys were the main feature I wanted to get rid of. Sure, I can turn off all the keys via System Preferences, but I didn't want to lose the volume and brightness--or even the play/pause button.

First, I use FunctionFlip to flip F7 and F9, recovering those as just regular keys; the rewind and fast-forward function are now available as fn+F7 and fn+F9. Then I use a Quicksilver to make F7 do something I want--display information about the currently playing track. To do this, I use a bit of AppleScript:

tell application "GrowlTunes" to show current track

As you could guess, this script tells GrowlTunes to show the current track as a Growl notification.

-- Kevin Gessner
July 9, 2008

This is part of Nihilartikel, my collected writings.
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